
NAUTIUS is one among the event results of the blockchain business, that is functioning well and has sensible concepts supported a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be additional open with a symbolic investment. Being one among the primary generated blockchain platforms, this company desires to appreciate and facilitate investors to be additionally involved concerning the economic weakness that a lot of folks within the world have suffered within the idea of logistic assistance as an investment that may be changed by registered users during this blockchain platform.

Token And User Benefits

Nauticus Coin (NTS) underpins our six business and banking solutions, creating an ultra-secure medium of exchange between users. Nauticus is committed to the continuous development of innovative new technology that will be supported by NTS with low transaction fees. The initialtokens for use on the Nauticus Exchang will be created using the Ethereum network ERC20 guidelines but Nauticus will research, develop and implement a new ledger system that supports greater transaction volumes using the most efficient and scalable blockchain technology available (Nauticus is closely examining NEM or Ardor forthis). Any holding of Nauticus Coin will be mirrored by the new medium of exchange.

A maximum of 2,500,000,000 Nauticus Coins are available. Tokens sold to users will accountfor 80 percent oftotal supply; 8.5 percent ofthe token supply will be allocated to the core team and another 1.5 percent will go to advisors (the
percentage allocations will be in proportion to the number oftokens sold to users). Ten percent ofthe total supply will be used in the referrals program. Atthe end ofthe ICO any unsold or unallocated Nauticus Coins will be burned. Alltokens will be disbursed atthe end ofthe ICO, and provided to the user’s designated wallet on our platform. Purchased tokens can be used immediately; however, referral and gifted tokens are restricted to our platform only (for example to pay fortrading fees) for a period oftwo years afterthe end ofthe ICO. Afterthis period,they can be freely exchanged for other crypto or fiat currencies. The team's coin pool will be limited to releasing a maximum of 20 percent oftheir supply of coins in the first year, and 40 percentin each ofthe nexttwo years.

  • Sign up and referral program
Everyone who signs up receives 100 free coins. In addition, each person who registers before the end ofthe ICO will be given a referral link. Anyone who clicks on the link and buys a minimum of 500 coins will be rewarded with 100 extra free coins and so willthe referee. The more people you refer,the more free coins you will receive. There is no limitto the number of free tokens users can receive for every additional referral.
  • Security and Nauticus Wallet
Our wallettechnology allows consumers, businesses, and governments easy exchanges, payments, and settlements. The platform incorporates state-of-the-art security measures including two factor authentication and biometric authentication using smartphone fingerprint sensors, voice and facial recognition. We also offer compartmentalized wallets (cold and hot wallet) protected by multiple layers of encryption. The company is implementing protocols for Nauticus staffto ensure segregated human responsibility, approval, and audits. We will further develop our security suite of options to include more biometric (using Voiceit), multi-signature access for couples, partners orteams (using Bitgo), and active backup of all transactions using a hyper-ledger.

Around 90 to 95 percent of users funds will be stored offline in highly secure, geographically separated cold wallets to protect against any loss of funds.

  • Competitors
There are approximately 170 competitors in this space. At least 100,000 new users are attempting to join each day and they are experiencing long delays in being verified and signing up to exchanges. In January 2018, several US exchanges stopped taking on new customers after the enormous demand swamped their systems.

Surveying newly established exchanges (as of February 8, 2018 and calculated using a 0.2 percent fee), the eight-month-old Binance has quickly become the world's leading exchange with $730 billion USD volume a year equating to an estimated $1.5 billion USD in revenue. BTC Markets exchanges $11.7b crypto a year for estimated revenue of $23m. Chinese exchange Huobi has an estimated $474.5 billion a year transaction volume, equating to $949m revenue, Hong Kong’s Kucoin has $29.4 b/$58.9m, and Wex in New Zealand has $32.9b/$65.9m.

Nauticus Exchange expects to attract a minimum of 100,000 users during the ICO period. Assuming that 20 percent of users become active traders, their activities will facilitate $7.3 billion worth of transactions per annum, equating to $14.6 million in revenue. User numbers are projected to increase to 300,000 within 12 months. If 20 percent are active, Nauticus will facilitate a per annum figure of $21.9 billion transaction volume and $43.8 million in revenue.

  • Blockchain Mining
The Nauticus blockchain mining center will commence operations using the Antminer S9 model (or the most energy efficient mining model commercially available at the time of construction) and is being designed around the principles of maximum energy and processing efficiency. Our team will also work with semiconductor manufacturers in Singapore and Taiwan to design our own custom made mining boards using ASIC processors to improve mining efficiency. More efficient machines help to lower economic and environmental costs.

  • eCommerce

At Nauticus we envisage a future where disruptive blockchain technology will see major players such as eBay and Amazon forced to drastically change their business models. The Nauticus eCommerce platform will give access to a marketplace for sellers and buyers, providing a wide range of goods and services, and accepting all the major crypto and fiat currencies. It will be powered by the Nauticus Exchange, our secure online payments system and wallet.

At present buyers and sellers use major marketplaces because their policies help ensure safety and security. Free alternatives such as Craigslist and Gumtree are beset with scams and frauds, which forces merchants to turn to companies such as eBay, despite its high final value fee of 10.9 percent dramatically reducing their profits.
  • Illustrative Costs and Revenue

The size of the facility, and attendant construction costs, will be dependent on the results of the ICO but for illustrative purposes, a small facility with 1500 Antminer machines would cost approximately $6.8 million USD to set up. Ongoing costs, including electricity and staff, are expected to be around $2.2 million. Total revenue generated in the first 12
months would be $3.1 million (at a Bitcoin value of $8145, possibly substantially more in future). A facility with 15,000 machines would generate revenue of $31 million. This revenue will support the expansion of the Nauticus business.

A proportion of the budget will be allocated to further research and development of more efficient mining machines, along with more efficient renewable energy solutions. Other proceeds will further the development of our payments and eCommerce solutions, or directed back to our users via lower fees.
  • Merchant Payments Platform
Nauticus will offer an easy-to-use, low-cost solution for businesses and organizations of all sizes, allowing merchants to accept the currency of their choosing (crypto or fiat). This makes them more accessible to new and emerging customers while keeping their operations simple and easy. Transactions occur at a fraction of the usual time, and fees will be multiple times lower than existing competitors . Businesses can implement these payment methods on their existing digital shopfronts or set up online stores on the Nauticus Marketplace to take advantage of even lower transaction fees – as little as 1 percent. Merchants can settle payments instantly, rather than weekly or monthly, and they no longer need to worry about chargebacks and clearance times, all of which ensure more liquidity for their businesses. Owners will also be able to facilitate payments for employees and suppliers via the platform, regardless of the recipient’s desired currency. 
  • Know Your Customer (KYC)
Know Your Customer is a way for businesses, institutions and governments to verify the identity of customers. KYC helps prevent theft, money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Our vision is to become a global partner in KYC, supporting a network of businesses and governments and giving users full control of their own personal data. The system will be fully integrated into the Nauticus Wallet mobile app and enables users to go through the verification process once and then manage the release of that information to organizations that require it. Records will be permanent and unchangeable ensuring secure and accurate personal and identifying information. It will be held on private distributed ledger systems managed by multiple server locations. Being a decentralized institution-to-peer network, the only record of identification is stored with the originator and the user. Once verified with Nauticus, tokens are created to represent an individual identity. The original documents will then be destroyed, and records of successful verification placed onto the blockchain. Any changes by the user with the document originator (e.g. address change with driver license authority) will be updated on the private distributed ledger accordingly. Any business, financial service or other organization that requires access to user information will request it from Nauticus. For example, if a phone company requires a credit history, they will request it from Nauticus, which will send a message via the Nauticus Wallet smartphone app. Users will be asked to authenticate themselves using biometrics (fingerprint, facial or voice recognition) to authorize the release of the data. The phone company will then only be provided with the relevant information and nothing more. 


TEAM nauticusen.png

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Created by :

Username bitcointalk : soblespwk
Ethereum Wallet Address : 0xF52FFe2a1e43bF80e11A054eE1f9f62143e4fb00


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